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When her Majesty came to visit
We were thrilled by our visit from Her Majesty today as we celebrated her 70th Platinum Jubilee. What a tremendous accomplishment by a...

Our Digital Eisteddfod was a success! Check out our video.
Due to the pandemic, we have had to work very differently this year, in many parts of the curriculum as well as celebratory events. We...

Get your children moving!
During lockdown, it's more important than ever that your child keeps physically and mentally active.Prevention and Wellbeing disability...

Playing actively in and around the home
Children learn a lot of skills through play. Playing helps children explore, learn about their world and feel happy. This pack will...

How to talk to your children about Coronavirus
It can be very tricky knowing what to say, and also how to say it when it comes to talking about Coronavirus with your children. We hope...

Let's get active with the AYPD!
Bridgend Council's Active Young People have come up with some fantastic workout cards for you to try out. The activities here will...

Advice on dealing with bereavement
This can be a very difficult time for many of us, especially if we experience death within the family. This pack from Bridgend council...

Activities from Bridgend Education Psychology Services
In this pack you will find a wealth on information and further support links. No matter if you're a parent, carer, working in a school or...

Smiling Mind - A helpful app for these difficult times
Some mindfulness apps can cost a small fortune, or you're expected to pay a monthly fee for using them, However, we've found the perfect...

We have achieved the Siarter Iaith Bronze Award!
The objective of the Language Charter is to promote a strong Welsh ethos in schools and to provide a range of enriching activities that...

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