Croeso i Ddosbarth Celyn
Welcome to the Hollies
Shwmae a croeso i Ddosbarth Celyn, Derbyn a Blwyddyn 1 - Hello and welcome to Hollies class, Reception and Year 1. ​
Welcome to our class page. I am Mrs J Williams the teacher in Dosbarth Celyn. Also working alongside me this year is Mrs Z Dixon, We are looking forward to welcoming the children back this year as they move into Reception and Year 1!
We are already excited for the year ahead and are planning lots of fun experiences and opportunities for your children to learn, grow and progress in their learning journey.
Through the topics of study this year and daily classroom life, we aim for pupils to become increasingly independent, confident learners who are imaginative, ambitious and capable. Pupils will engage fully in their learning as they experience a variety of learning opportunities to develop skills that they will be able to use across the whole curriculum. These include: creative, problem solving, communication, literacy, numeracy, ICT, Welsh, health and well-being and social and personal skills. Our main aims are that the pupils in our care are happy, healthy, informed and confident individuals!
As we are part of the Healthy School’s initiative, we encourage healthy eating and drinking in our school. Children are encouraged to keep a labelled bottle filled with water in class, which they can access freely. Pupils can bring in 1 piece of fruit to eat during their morning play. Milk will be provided at the end of the day and is usually accompanied with a story telling session.
We will be providing your children with reading books in order to practise their reading at home with you. Please can pupils bring in their books every day, so we have opportunities throughout the week to listen to them read and change their book when ready. It is vitally important for your child’s development across all areas of the curriculum that they practise their reading every day and it has been proven that just 5 minutes a day can really make a big impact on their vocabulary, reading skills and overall progression. I can provide you with a pack to help you support reading development at home, if you would like one. Please do not hesitate to ask.
Over the coming weeks, homework in the form of letter sounds and sight word recognition will be given to the pupils to learn. Please support your child to practise and learn these in any way they find best. Spelling tests will be given to your child when they are ready for them. They will consist of 6-10 words the children can learn by sounding out the letters and 2 tricky words that cannot be sounded out and must be learnt by sight.
The children will have access to their HWB logins to play games and learn online. Along with Teach your monster to read and abacus online.
We will be using class Dojo to keep in touch with parents and to provide online learning if the need arises. We will be posting pictures of the children completing their daily tasks for you all to see. Please ask for the code so you can connect to your child’s class.
The children will have PE on a Wednesday and will need to come into school wearing their PE kit. Please make sure your child has a t-shirt, jumper, leggings or trousers with socks and trainers and a water bottle.
If you have any other questions, queries or would like to discuss anything further, please do not hesitate to come in to speak to us at the end of the school day.
Here’s to an exciting, fun and memorable year in Dosbarth Celyn!
Mrs J Williams