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Croeso i Ddosbarth Bedw

Welcome to the Birch class


Shwmae a croeso i ddosbarth Bedw, Blwyddyn 3 / Hello and welcome to Birch class, Year 3. 


​I am Miss Evans the teacher in Dosbarth Bedw.  Working alongside me this year are Mrs Bowie (Monday & Friday) and Mrs Arrow-Jones (Tuesday-Thursday). 


We are very excited for the year ahead and are planning lots of fun experiences and opportunities for your children to learn, grow and progress in their learning journey. ​


We have aimed to make the transition from foundation phase to Key Stage two as smooth as possible and so the classroom set up and day is very similar to last year; as we begin to work within the New Curriculum for Wales progression steps. The classroom environment has been set up to cater for all needs and ensure that learning is accessible for all. We are very lucky to have lots of engaging resources, technology that will inspire and access to the rainbow room; where we can focus on developing our well-being and allowing staff to nurture and support the pupils we have.



We are now working in progression step teams throughout the school and endeavour to design a curriculum that is inspiring, creative and engaging for all pupils at their own level; to ensure progression and enjoyment in their learning.

We will be learning within 6 topics areas that encompass the 6 areas of learning in the New Curriculum for Wales (Expressive Arts, Health and Well-being, Humanities, Languages, Literacy and Communication, Mathematics and Numeracy and Science and Technology). These areas of the curriculum are underpinned by the four core purposes, ensuring pupils have the opportunity to become:

·       Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives. 

·       Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work. 

·       Ethical, informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world  and,

·       Healthy, confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.


Through the topics of study this year and daily classroom life, we aim for pupils to become increasingly independent, confident learners who are imaginative, ambitious and capable. Pupils will engage fully in their learning as they experience a variety of learning opportunities to develop skills that they will be able to use across the whole curriculum. These include: creative, problem solving, communication, literacy, numeracy, ICT, Welsh, health and well-being and social and personal skills. Our main aims are that the pupils in our care are happy, healthy, informed and confident individuals!


Our topics this year


Autumn 1 Remember, Remember- We will be stepping back in time to learn about the times of the Stuarts and Tudors, Key events and lifestyle, light and dark and festivals.


Autumn 2- Cracking contraptions and Ingenious Inventions-We will learn about modern technology including coding and robots, Victorian lifestyles and child labour, Victorian inventors and inventors, electricity and energy.


Spring 1- Alive and Kicking- We will learn about different beliefs about creation, animals and their groups, habitats and environments, food chains, the human body, healthy living and sustainability.


Spring 2- Cymru Cyffrous- Local studies about the area we live, research about Wales, map skills, famous people from Wales, how our environment has changed and local stories and tales.


Summer 1- Myths, Legends and Fantasy- Mythical creatures, The Greeks and Romans, Greek Gods and traditional tales/legends, modern day myths, fact and opinions, rocks, volcanoes and festivals and celebrations from around the world.


Summer 2- Disaster!- Global issues including natural disasters, local issues including the effect we have on the environment, empathy and understanding of others, rivers and citizenship.


As we are part of the Healthy School’s initiative, we encourage healthy eating and drinking in our school. Children are encouraged to keep a labelled bottle filled with water in class, which they can access when needed throughout the day. We also encourage fruit to be brought in as a healthy, break time snack. 


Our lunch time meals provided in school offer healthy, balanced choices for your children to eat and we as a healthy school ask that you consider this if providing your child with a packed lunch. We can provide more information to help if you require it.


All children have school reading books. Please can pupils bring in their books in every week, so we have opportunities throughout the week to listen to them read and change their book when ready. It is vitally important for your child’s development across all areas of the curriculum that they practise their reading every day and it has been proven that just 5 minutes a day can really make a big impact on their vocabulary, reading skills and overall progression. 


Pupils receive weekly spelling practise for homework. We would be grateful if you could support them to learn to write them and support with their understanding of the word, should it be one they are not familiar with.


If you have any other questions, queries or would like to discuss anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo, contact the office by phone or email, or come to speak to us at the end of the school day.


Here’s to an exciting, fun and memorable year in Dosbarth Bedw!

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