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School Uniform


The school promotes the wearing of school uniform.  The colours are green and yellow. All children are encouraged to follow the school dress code in the form of:

  • Grey skirt, trousers, green jogging bottoms or tunic.

  • Green sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper

  • Yellow polo shirts.


In the summer:

  • Girls may choose to wear a green/white checked dress.

  • Grey / Black shorts


Flat soled, sensible shoes are essential for safety



P.E Kit


Children are expected to wear appropriate clothing for P.E lessons.      


Indoor Lessons 

Boys will wear shorts and T shirt and girls may wear a leotard or T shirt and shorts for indoor P.E lessons.

Outdoor lessons

Boys are expected to wear shorts and a suitable top ( or tracksuit ) and trainers or daps.

Girls may wear a leotard or shorts and a suitable top ( or tracksuit ) and trainers or daps.




Jewellery such as rings, bracelets, necklaces etc. must not be worn to school and if children’s ears have been pierced they must be taken out for PE and games lessons. This is an essential safety precaution.  Studs or sleepers are permitted but for safety reasons, rings, hoops or dangling earings are not.  The school cannot be held responsible for injury, accidents or losses as a result of children wearing jewellery. Pupils are asked to remove all jewellery for PE/Game lessons.


All children will take part in P.E lessons unless a medical condition temporary or otherwise prevents them from doing so. If parents wish their child to exempt from a P.E lesson for a medical reason then parents are asked to write a note on each occasion.

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