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To my class,


I hope you are safe and well and that you have been doing your best to continue with your learning, particularly making sure that, above all you continue your reading. 


Here is your next home learning pack. I know lots of you may be struggling with using online information so I am going to give you these paper copies of activities to cover the weeks until the end of the summer term, which also accompany some online learning tasks you can do on HWB and Active Learn. 


Please continue to regularly look at our school Twitter account as I am always posting information and activities that I think are good for your learning on there. I hope some of you have tried the Welsh mascot competition activity, which was included in your last home learning pack, if not please give it a go. Mr Urdd is also on Twitter every Monday setting Cwestiwn yr Wythnos, as the Criw Cymraeg are unable to do so at this time. 


In the learning packs there are some fun activities for you to complete with the help of your families. PLEASE use BBC Bitesize lessons, these are brilliant, and cover all the curriculum subjects. 

I have been working with the WRU and I would like you to login to your WRU digital classroom – see the school website for details how to do this. Please choose tasks from’ Y Chwe Gwlad- The Six Nations’. Don’t forget to upload your work onto the platform! Keep your eyes out for the new WRU 30 Day Challenge for your PE sessions. I have also been working on a really exciting project with a company called IntoFilm who will be coming in to work with us on a digital literacy project in September. Our work will be shared with Welsh Government!


You must remember your own well-being is important. Keep doing exercise with Joe Wicks when possible- I have included some physical exercise challenges in your pack ! I have posted the link on our Twitter. Please remember that exercise is encouraged.  


If you can keep focussed enough during the week to complete two tasks a day that would be fantastic, but please remember to prioritise your wellbeing and have some fun too! I am really looking forward to seeing you all again, stay positive and stay safe! 


I would like to say POB LWC to Year 6 who will be moving on to Cynffig Comp, I hope to see some of you before you go. Afon Y Felin will miss you all, we are proud of what you have achieved


Missing you all.

Mrs Jones     

To access your WRU Digital Classroom/Dosbarth Digidol for even more great activities, please click on the WRU icon on the right.


You will need your login details that have been sent to your parents.


Cat School - Describing a scene

Oaks Activity Packs


Click Here

For Activity Pack 2


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For Activity Pack 1


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For Activity Pack 3

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