Croeso i dosbarth Celyn
Welcome to the Hollies

Croeso i Dosbath Celyn!
Shwmae a croeso - Hello and welcome to another exciting and fun year in Dosbarth Celyn. We are a Reception and Year 1 class, led by Miss Evans and Miss Davies.
We have a range of fun and exciting topics to discover this year including Supermarket, Splendid Skies, Memory Box, Mini Zoo and Carnival. We start the year with a crash, bang and zoom as we become Superheroes!
Through the topics of study this year and daily classroom life, we aim for pupils to become independent, confident learners who are imaginative, ambitious and capable. Pupils will engage fully in their learning as they experience a variety of learning opportunities to develop skills that they will be able to use across the whole curriculum. These include: creative, problem solving, communication, literacy, numeracy, ICT, Welsh, health and well-being and social and personal skills. Our main aims are that the pupils in our care are happy, healthy, informed and confident individuals!
General Class information
School starts at 8.55am. Please support us to encourage independence in your children by sending them in promptly; taking responsibility themselves for their belongings.
We will be utilising the outdoor classroom as much as possible throughout the year, so please can pupils ensure they have suitable clothing for all weather types. We ask please that they bring a coat to school every day. If you have any old children’s wellies lying around, we always welcome donations as these prove very handy!
We have P.E sessions on a Wednesday afternoon this year. Please can pupils ensure that they have a change of suitable clothing, e.g. t-shirt, shorts, leggings, jogging bottoms etc. that they are able to move comfortably in. Pupils can keep their P.E kits in school and take home at the end of each half term if they wish.
We are an actively healthy school and so are promote drinking water for a healthy body and brain. Pupils are welcome to bring in a labelled water bottle that they can store in the classroom for easy access to water throughout the day.
We encourage pupils to read regularly at home as well as in school, as studies have shown just 5 minutes reading daily make a huge impact on their vocabulary and reading skills. All pupils have been given a reading book for them to practise at home with you, alongside a communication book. We love to read your positive comments about how they are reading at home and the books also allow you to see how they are getting on at school. Please can pupils bring in book bags every day.
Over the coming weeks, homework (in the form of sight word recognition and spellings) will be given to the pupils to learn. Please support your child to practise and learn these in any way they find best.
If you have any other questions, queries or would like to discuss anything further, please do not hesitate to come in to speak to us at the end of the school day.